Publishing with Students
Press Kit

About Chris Weber
Online Resources
Teacher Idea Exchange
Award Programs & Competitions
Favorite Student Stories
Treasures 3
Guest Appearances

Publication is important for all children. It is not the privilege of the classroom elite, the future literary scholars. Rather, it is an important mode of literary enfranchisement for each child in the classroom.

Don Graves

Welcome! This site is for teachers, librarians, parents, and students interested in publishing students writing. For more than twenty years, I have been working with students helping them publish their writing in and out of the classroom. This site, when up and running, will contain writing by students and advice by teachers and professionals about publishing students work.

Also, I will include stories, advice, photos, book reports, and information about trekking, one of my passions. Its important for teachers to reenergize themselves to continue publishing year after year, and trekking is my way of recharging.

Happy publishing,

Chris Weber


Whats New this week of
December 8, 2004:

It's Your WorldIf You Don't Like It, Change It: Activism for Teenagers by Mikki Halpern

Give your students a chance to make a difference in the world. Loan them a copy of this incredible, practical book, which is a treasure trove of straight forward suggestions and activities for our student activists. I love Mikkis voice that connects so soundly with our future citizens. Our students care about major issues in the world today ranging from racism to war and much more. Chapters in this book address the issues that teenagers are concerned about and show them how to get involved. For example, the chapter titled Ending War,describes how to be a at-home activist, interview a war veteran, organize a teach-in at your school, start a faith-based peace coalition, and go to a big protest. This chapter includes a students powerful account of her protest against the Iraq war and a list of resources: web sites and books. Its a book that will appeal to students and help move them to immediate action.
Make a difference for your students and buy this student activist handbook for them.

Mikki has kindly agreed to contribute a chapter about student activism to my next book titled Bringing Light into the Darkness: A Guide to Teaching Peace, Empathy, and Understanding. I cannot thank Mikki enough.

Guest Appearances:
Moving Out of the Comfort Zone
by Kathi Appelt.

Find all the information you need to know about rwt junior, the free online publishing program that helps students learn more about writing skills and standards, the publishing world, the Internet, and more.

Your Site, Too

This site is yours, too, so please e-mail me:

Your input and feedback.



Information, anecdotes, ideas, reflections, and so on pertaining to each and every webpage.

I will try to incorporate your ideas wherever and whenever possible and post your writing as much as I can in Teachers Idea Exchange).

Together we will make this an incredible site filled with practical information, which teachers can take back and use in their classrooms.

Last Updated: December 5, 2004

Jim Stahl, founder of Merlyns Pen notes Your website is a hugely valuable service, and the research you have gathered on the effects of student publishing will help all of us in the field of teen writing and literacy.

Vermont Community Works states, Publishing with Students is a wonderful site for teachers, parents, librarians, and students interested in publishing students writing. Created by veteran teacher Chris Weber, the site includes: practical advice and tips on writing and publishing students writing; research that describes the benefits of publishing students writing; links to Web sites that focus on student writing and publishing; and more.

In the near future, will contain the following:

Treasures anthologies.

A monthly newsletter that gives you practical advice and tips on writing and publishing students writing.

Guidelines, advice, and student samples for our latest international student publication project.

Information about staff workshops and school visits that Chris Weber gives.

Books on student publishing and writing.

Stories, advice, photos, and information about trekking. I enjoy trekking with others. Maybe one day, you and I will be trekking above the clouds in the Himalayas or the Andes Mountains.

Thank you for your patience.

This site is under constant polishing and redesigning as I hone my skills. For other novices, I just began learning how to create websites a few weeks ago. A huge thank you to Richard Barrow of Thai Students Online for all of his incredible assistance and expertise.